Saturday, November 14, 2009


The kids had a great time on Halloween, and did a great job. Cari was a Vikings Cheerleader, and JJ was Thomas the train. I still have not taken the pictures off Jim's camera phone, so don't have them to share right now.

We started out visiting a few people in our neighborhood. Our neighbor next door always has a bag of treats for each of the kids, and loves to see them in their costumes. So, we started there, then went to her friend down the street and a couple other houses. Then we went to my SIL's house (who does daycare for us as well), to see her, Grandpa and my other SIL. The kids love their aunties and Grandpa, so of course, it was a big deal.

It is important to not for later in this story, that at all of these places, we were invited in 'for a minute', because we knew the people, may see where this is going.

After visiting Grandpa and the aunties, we went to my brother's house to trick or treat with my niece. Their neighborhood has lots of kids and is great for TorTs. So we hooked up with them, and went to the first house. Rang the bell, and the kids waited patiently. People came to the door, exclaimed over how cute they all were, and then were taken by surprise as my little peanut cheerleader started heading inside. I guess we forgot to tell her we had to stay outside on the step! LOL They were surprised, but good sports about it. ;o) We all laughed, and then moved on. The rest of the night was without even, and the kids came home with tons of candy, which I am sure they will still be eating at Easter! LOL


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