Wednesday, September 23, 2009

Dinner and a show!

The other night, we had a super nice dinner, grilled steak, baked potatoes, veggies, fruit etc. Just plain and simple. Along with this, we had a nice little show... Cari singing her favorite songs. ;o)

"Row Row Row boat down tream; melly, melly melly life a dream dream dream dream......." ;o)0

"ABC...FG...IJK....M..OP...RST..V....XYZeeeeeeeee. Now I know ABCs, nex time sing me. I did it! Bravo!"

"Twinkle winkle star, wonder what are, up in sky like diamond, winkle star, wonder what are."

You get the general idea.. but I am pretty impressed given she just turned 2!

She had also decided that since JJ gets to go to preshool, she does she grabs her backpack (like JJ) and says 'go to school....I go to school' We remind her that she can't wear diapers at school, and she has to go potty and not wear diapers anymore first. Then she says "I go potty in potty chair, then go school" ;o) Dont' think she quite gets it. ;o)

Speaking of JJ and preschool....can I take a moment to say that for all the complaining he did about not wanting to go today, his teacher actually called me at school today and told me that he had a great day, with very little tears, and played with new things and had a great time! Of course, he says he didn't play with anything, and his favorite time was going home.. LOL I know it will come, and he will love it, and it is good for him. I just wish he would adjust faster! LOL


Blogger Julie said...

So cute - I love seeing all the things they are saying or singing. I am so impressed with boys have very few words and they are now 19 months. I'm starting to hear Aiden saying more 'words' that I can make out (his newest one is 'lellow' for yellow - not bad) but Austin has a ways to go!!!


5:27 AM  
Blogger Dorrie said...

Thanks Julie! Honestly, she has to talk to keep up with her brother! Otherwise no one would ever pay attention to her, he talks too much! LOL ;o)

8:22 PM  

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