Enough with the cougars already!
JJ recently heard a news story on tv.....most of the time I don't think he is paying attention to it, but in this case, he must have been because for a week now, he has been talking about, no obsessing about, cougars.
You see, there has been cougar sitings all over the northern suburbs where we live. No one knows if it is really a cougar for sure...although the video footage is pretty convincing. Over the last month, it has apparently wandered over the course of 100 miles or so.
Anyway, JJ is now convinced that it is around every dark corner....in.our.house. He refuses to go into his dark room without one of us. At bedtime, he stalls us by discussing, no arguing, all of our disputes about the cougar not being able to get into our house. He is convinced we might, in some lapse of judgement, hear a 'knock' at the door and open it, letting the cougar in the house. Never mind us telling him cougars can't knock on doors.
I pray that the cougar news stops soon.....so far he hasn't actually been dreaming about it....just telling us he has ("Mommy I had a bad dream" five minutes after we leave his room, when in no way could he have bene asleep yet). But it is getting really really old....this arguement......it was cute at first...now it just wears on me.
Hopefully he has as new obsession soon!
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