I am more amazed every day....
JJ amazes me! Not that I am surprised by it, I am used to being around babies and toddlers, I have been for most of my life. But never my own! And to see the subtle changes every day, I am truely amazed!
He was practically running with his walker toy last night, back and forth across the basement floor. He only fell once or twice. Of course, I have to stop helping him get up when he falls or he will never figure it out for himself. But, can just holding the walker so he can pull himself back up be so bad? I am an enabler, and I know it. And if I want my child to be independant, I need to let him learn to do things by himself. So far, he has learned that well, despite me, so I am not too worried. I can just see him taking off across the room one day soon!
He constantly babbles too....I love listening to him. Depending on what he is doing, he changes his tone, inflection, etc. If he is talking to the cat, or the cat is anywhere near him (so I assume he is talking to it) he gets a soft singsongy voice, so sweet. If he is talking to daddy, and daddy is watching tv and not paying attention, he gets that impatient voice.....which gets louder and louder with each attempt for attention. And constant babble.....I swear, if we could just understand him, we would have the answer to the oil crisis, homelessness, and world hunger!
I swear he said UP yesterday morning when he wanted me to pick him up. Ann heard it too, we looked at each other as if to ask, did we really hear that, and at the same time, we both said, yep, then laughed! And last night, I could have sworn he said "all done" or some form of it. He is learning so fast! I still work on signs with him, and he is getting more, sort of, which hopefully will help with his constant "AHHHHH".
He amazes me!