Thursday, September 10, 2009

How was this a good idea???

Ok, in general I get that getting flu shots is a good, dare I say even great, idea. And getting them now is an even better idea so that when the H1N1 vaccine comes out we can get that too, and they will be spaced out far enough. However, specifically, how is it a great idea to get flu shots for a family of 4, at Minute Clinic/CVS at 6:45 at night, with 2 tired, crabby kids??? Especially when the parking lot is already as full as you have ever seen it when you pull in.

Granted, it was my idea to go there....I wanted to try to find a sudacare plugin for Cari's room, since her poor nose is so plugged, she napped for all of an hour (2 naps) yesterday, and slept really poorly the night before. Anyway, off we went to try to find this little wonder (which of course they don't have in any form or brand). "As long as we are here, we should get flu shots" says my hubby. (He has been trying to get his for a couple days already, but timing hasn't been on his side). So, I figured he would do it, but I didn't think we were ALL going to.

I suppose I am glad it is over, but keeping the kids entertained for over an HOUR while telling them they can't touch anything in the store.....NOT my idea of fun!

Alls well that ends well, JJ cried, Cari didn't even whimper. But then again, she got the really tiny needle. ;o) And they are over. At least this round. I am not looking forward to telling JJ he has to do it again in another month when the other vaccine comes out.


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