Tuesday, September 08, 2009

Like father, like son.....

So, a week or so ago we took the kids to the state fair....we took the day off from work and went, which was good because it wasn't quite as crowded. Then, a couple days later, we went back....but we only took our 4 year old, figuring that the 2 year old had probably had enough of seeing a bunch of knee caps from the stroller, and not being allowed to get out and all that. Plus it was crowded (it was Sunday this time) and the stroller makes things alot harder to navigate in a crowd.

Our 4 year old did great, and walked the whole time, and didn't complain! He really enjoyed some of the 'family rides' like the space tower and the sky ride, but wanted mostly to get back to the 'Kidway' and ride on his rides of choice....a small train, known as the Safari train, which is really an adult torture device, especially for those adults with long legs like my hubby and I. Thankfully we went with friends, who have an 18 year old daughter who was more than willing to go with him. You see, this is a small train on a small track, that makes quick tight corners, and there is a bar right about where your knees go. You can see where this is going......I rode it with him last year, and I think my knees were bruised for 2 weeks! Unfortunately, I thought he could ride it himself, but he isn't quite tall enough. After that, his next favorite is the bumper boats, and the 'tea cups' which is a paired down version of a tilt a whirl, and the ONLY version of said ride you will EVER find me on!

The last ride of the day before leaving was the carousel....which dare I say, he ALMOST rode by himself, but changed his mind at the last minute and decided he really did still need mommy to stay with him. Having been on many carousels many times over, he did what most kids did at first....which is smile and wave and enjoy the ride....but half way through the ride I noticed he was looking up, instead of looking out at the crowd and waving to daddy. I could see the wheels turning in his head as he continued to look upward. We got off the ride and I just looked at my husband, and said....he is definitely YOUR son. Instead of looking out at the crowd....he was looking up and watching the mechanizm that moved the horse up and down. Like father like son.....I just hope my husband is more understanding than he claims his father was when our son starts taking things apart to figure out how they work! ;o)


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