Thursday, September 07, 2006

Long time.....lots to share

Wow...been a while. Reading over my last post, we have solved the sleeping problem.....rather than putting him down for a late nap, daddy takes him out for a bike ride! Novel idea...spend time with him rather than put him to sleep! Just kidding because my dh is actually a great daddy!

We bought a bike trailer, and now JJ loves to ride behind daddy and loves to wear his helmet! And all that fresh air means he sleeps good too! Not sure WHAT we will do in the winter! This is MN after all! Yikes!

His new favorite thing, besides bike rides w/ daddy, is to go for a walk to the park w/ mom after work, or on weekends, and look for squirrels on the way! He is so funny....he actually can tell me that is what he wants to do, never mind he doesn't actually 'say it' in so many words (or any words at all). It goes something like this:

Mommy: you want to wear your hat?
Mommy: You want to go outside?
Mommy: You want to see the squirrels?
JJ: and then says 'ing'!
Mommy: You want to look for squirrels on our way to the park to swing?
JJ: Big grin and dances, very excitedly!!!!

I LOVE that!!!!!


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