"dat sing'.......
Cari's favorite phrase lately - "Wats dat sing (thing)" or other variations on the same theme. She has to know about everything as most toddlers do. Last night, she continually asked Grandma what about her phone charger.....and Grandma, with far more patience than I, repeated over an over for her, what it was and what it did.....and yet, the familiar chorus rang through the house "wats dat sing".
She also uses some form of this when she isn't getting what she wants, or better yet, when she gets something she DOESN'T want', such as if I give her the wrong snack (in her mind) 'don't want DAT sing!' If I give her a 2nd snack, still not what she wants, I get "don't want DAT sing EIDER" LOL It continues until she melts into a puddle of tears, decides it isn't worth it or gets what she wants (please note that the later does NOT generally happen on a regular basis)!
She has a lot of great phrases and words....most of which she picks up from her brother.....such as when she pretends she is on the phone, and the likes of the following conversation can be heard:
Cari: Heyyo.....
Cari: Well.....um....maybe not.
Cari: by the way......
Cari: ok bye
She could play with the phone forever, but the countless toy phones fall into the, yes, you guessed it "don't want DAT sing" category!
SO funny. I love it when they have phone "conversations."
And - regarding the snack not being "the right thing" - that reminds me of the time we were out of milk (gasp!) when it was time for Eliana's Bedtime Warm Milk, so Craig gave her some of Joshua's rice milk, instead. In the past, we have given her all sorts of things at this time: organic whole milk, organic 2%, regular 2%, regular skim, lactose-free, and I think even goat's milk - and she has never once reacted. But this time, with the rice milk, she asked, "What's this?"
Craig answers, "Rice milk."
E: "Joshua's rice milk?"
C: "Yes."
E: (pushing the cup away) "Joshua can have it!"
You've changed your layout/background, haven't you? Haven't you? I seem to recall it looking different, before. I actually thought, when I got here, that I hadn't followed you, that I was mistaken and I hadn't read your blog before, but then I "Followed" and it said I already was. So, is that it? Different layout?
I like it, regardless. :)
K...yes, I changed it, updated it a bit and changed the title. Just playing around. Thanks! ;o)
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